Love is ma religion

I never knew there would be a better tomorrow But you've come into my life and taken away all my sorrow My days of sadness are a thing of the past Because I have found true love at last My days of emptiness are gone for good Because you fill a void in my heart that you should You've opened a window You've shown me the light And my love for you will continue to burn bright.
Love is the most wonderful attribute in this entire world. It is the magic wand that helps us rise far above our mundane life and be the special human being blessed with a heavenly joy. It is the feeling which evokes as two persons meet in the transit of their journeys and suddenly discovers that it is only each of them looking for the other one for eternity and they are made for each other.Romantic
My love, we must not lose hope, for if hope is lost, then I fear we too will be lost forever. If your father the Duke has forbidden you to see me publicly, then let us meet under starlight at the windmill upon the mountain. There, late at night, the wood owls make their gothic music....