Being a Dad A thrilling experience
Nothing in life makes you mature so fast like fathering a kid, ANKUNDAH TIANAH NAHAMYA, My daughter who was born on 25th july 2011 weighing 3.7 in mengo hospital at around 2:45 am has been an experience to me.
Nahwera Anitah who happens to be the mother came in life shortly be4 cementing everything she was carrying her shortly after 2 weeks of being close and knowin each other for like 2 months as mere friends buh she is a million dollar gal and i'm so thankful for the edge she has brought in ma life. with de coming of Princess KUKI BUUBU RAGI i mean Tianah life has been not easy for me but again i've a million reasons to smile. she has forced me to make bold choices like de le-go i mean letting the most prized people outta ma life in a bid of her safety. ol in ol i love my daughter so much.
Nahwera Anitah who happens to be the mother came in life shortly be4 cementing everything she was carrying her shortly after 2 weeks of being close and knowin each other for like 2 months as mere friends buh she is a million dollar gal and i'm so thankful for the edge she has brought in ma life. with de coming of Princess KUKI BUUBU RAGI i mean Tianah life has been not easy for me but again i've a million reasons to smile. she has forced me to make bold choices like de le-go i mean letting the most prized people outta ma life in a bid of her safety. ol in ol i love my daughter so much.